Monday, June 23, 2008

In Memory of James Stanley (January 18, 2008)

As the month of June passes (his birthday and Father's Day), I have to remember my Daddy. For those who do not know, my father passed away on January 18th of gallbladder related complications. It was a shockingly quick turn of events...of which my mother, sister and I are still struggling to understand.

Jim Stanley lived life to the fullest. He was a veteran, a hunter and a fisherman. He played pool and poker like a pro. He was everyone's friend and the person you could always count on when the chips were down.

Thank you, Daddy, for the throws in the air, the rides on your shoulders, the homemade donuts. Thank you for the swimming lessons, the bike lessons, the driving lessons. Thank you for the thousands of hugs and kisses and countless other blessings you gave me. I love you and I miss you.

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